Oil Field Testing

Our typical analysis includes the major cations and anions along with the specific gravity, H2S, TDS (calculated, but can also do by evaporation), pH, and resistivity. Furthermore, scaling tendencies and corrosiveness can be determined.
We can also perform testing on the amount of:
– Oil in water
– Hydrocarbon in water
– Oil and Grease
There are numerous other constituents that can be tested in water. Please contact us for additional information and pricing. Ion analysis are performed using ICP-OES for Cations and Ion Chromatography for Anions.
Crude Oil
– ASTM Distillation
– API Gravity
– % Paraffin
– % Asphaltenes
– Pour Point/Cloud Point
– Viscosity
– % Sulfur
– % Oil, water, solid breakout
– Foaming Tendency
– Deformer Effectiveness

Recycled, Reclaimed, and Frac Water
Field Testing and Sampling


Several types of bacteria common to fresh and oilfield waters can be identified and counted. These include: sulfate reducing bacteria, iron bacteria, sulfur bacteria, fungi and acid-uric bacteria, general aerobes and anaerobes, and ATP Testing.
Identification of Waters

Solids and Scale
We provide analysis of scales, corrosion products, formation materials, and drilling muds with accompanying interpretation regarding the identity of the material. We provide corrosion failure analysis on tubing, rods and pump parts, and services for both Phase and Quant analysis by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD).
We work with oilfield water companies and also provide residential services.
Martin Water Labs has been serving the Permian Basin and surrounding communities since 1953. Our main area of expertise has been and still is the testing, evaluation and subsequent consultation regarding oilfield waters including fresh, produced, injection, or artificial waters; such as drilling, load, or spent acid. We are very experienced and knowledgeable in the service of testing water wells for drinking consumption, irrigation, ponds, and common bacteria’s related to drinking.